You do not form our thinking
or give light to the blind
but articulate the consciousness
of the common human mind
The metamorphic substance
of the feeling in the air
the offspring of a generation
born of splendour and despair
The Man is a greater art
than any lauded statuary
and the essence of his soul
his wealth in abject poverty
The Woman is more beautiful
than a painting or a bronze
A Child's laughter more delightful
than a great composer's songs
A painting's easily admired
a composer gains a fan
more difficult to recognise
The God within a Man.
Wealth of Art.
Manipulate and exploit
the need and labour of the poor
and thus grow rich
And use that wealth
to buy what was a poor man's work
but is now called Art
and from it try to find that which you lack
the generous feeling of a poor man's heart.
By wealth pursue
in paint or bronze or clay
the Aura Trail of what the poor
think and feel and pray
until at the end
the labour of the poor man's soul
is in the rich man's pocket
to keep for his amusement
or sell to make a profit.
Knowing Art.
She has a heavy fringe
two layers of lipstick
miss-matched clothes
and Grannie boots
She must know a lot about Art
But I've got a feeling
she'd present a dog's breakfast as art
if Cosmo said it was
She would consider a pile of bricks to be art
but the men who built her house
Too ignorant to know about art
I know where she bought her Grannie boots
they also sell Jack boots
She is in her element
She is with her clique
she knows her genre
You've got to hand it to her
she does function well
within the boundaries
of her own personal delusion.
But then again, don't we all.
Sounds of Art.
It is generally accepted
that people who listen to classical music
do not brawl on the street
These people are much too sophisticated for that
These people wouldn't get their clothes dirty
These people would say "Tut Tut"
Some of these people only sign papers
That cause the deaths of untold thousands.
Looking for Art.
"Are you, looking for Art?
Well it's not that
It's not on this or any other floor
it's at the back door
There is a pile of rags
within them is wrapped
a man attempting to sleep
and there is more art etched on his face
than there is in this whole Gallery.
But are you, looking for Art ?"
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
Johnnie and Betsey.
The Clock the Mirror and the Hall

The Longcase Clock
Tick tick tock went the big old Clock
as it stood all forlorn in the hall
then with a shout suddenly cried out
"My God I have killed them all."
The Mirror in shock, said-"Dear Mr Clock
you shouldn't go blaming yourself
because you display the hour of the day
on your handsome face of delft"
"You are in error' said the Clock to the Mirror
They are gone because of time
and I tremble with fear that they would be here
if it weren't for my cursed chime."
The Mirror then sighed and said "I have tried'
To shield you from this truth
I have studied the way time turns to grey
the golden mane of youth."
The Mirror went on - "Now don't get me wrong
I respect all the work you have done
but they are men and time ticks in them
and that is why they are gone."
The Clock said "Dear friend, I knew I could depend
on you to hear my cry
But though I grieve don't expect me to believe
your well meaning but fantastic lie"
The mirror said "Look, if it wasn't for this hook
that pins me to this wall
I'd give you some wit by lifting you with a kick
you an' your chimes an' all."
The Clock said "I see what you think of me
you couldn't be nice for an hour
and all this malice because you are jealous
of my universal power."
The Mirror said "That's great - so this is my fate
it's true that life can be cruel
I'm locked in this hall and pinned to this wall
facing a delusional fool."
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Teatime Dilemma

"Mummy" Now that Graham's dead
can I get his bed
can I get his room
I'll open a window
to get rid of the stink
of his girlfriend's cheap perfume
Can I get his clothes
not everything
just the things I like
and his mountain bike
Can I get his college fund
that integral part of your great design
can it be mine
Can I get the car
you were going to buy him
when he graduated
can my life be celebrated
"Mummy" What are you doing
get away from the phone Leave it alone
"Daddy" Is that you
There's been a terrible accident
Graham's dead
I think Mummy is too
and there's nothing made for tea
on the way home could you stop and get
a take-away for me.
"Please Welcome"

"Please Welcome
The Inner City Dolphins
singing' - "Pete's song"
"We're The Inner City Dolphins
and we'd like to sing our song
if you know the words
feel free to sing along
it's quite a simple lyric
and quite a catchy tune
all about Pete our drummer's crazy afternoon"
And here it goes...
I awoke at twelve O'clock
by a knock on my door
it was my older brother
brought back from the War
I helped him through the hall
into the living room
and that was the beginning
of my crazy afternoon
I gave him a hug
an attempt to show I cared
but there was no response
he only blankly stared
I poured him a juice
and placed it in his hand
went through the photo album
but he didn't understand
Family and friends
dropped in to wish him well
leaving shocked to find a man
in such a personal hell
A welcome at the local pub
was arranged by his best mate
when it filled up with people
he began to masturbate
I threw my jacket over him
and wheeled him out the door
walking back I thought -
I can't take this anymore
I phoned the military hospital
and asked them what to do
they said -
"We're finished with him now
and it's up to you"
So I lifted him from his chair
laid him out on the bed
took his revolver
and shot him in the head
Then I phoned the police
and told them what I'd done
they surrounded the house
until I threw out the gun
Then they put me in a van
and took me to a jail
I'm only here today
because I'm out on bail
I loved my brother
and that is why I killed him
I would have shot myself
if that could have healed him
And the reason I wrote this song
is to tell you all that I was wrong
I didn't have the right to take his life away
it's a burden of regret I carry every day
They dumped my brother at my door
in their "Streamlining of Health"
but I was hardly even able
to care for myself.
Coupe DeVille.

I waited for my girlfriend but she didn't show
I asked my little sister but she said she didn't know.
Then I saw them later holding hands an' kissin'
I tried to talk it over but they wouldn't listen
My girlfriend only went with me to get off with my sister
it must have been an ordeal every time I kissed her.
Things you don't expect can take you by surprise
I didn't think my little sis would ever tell me lies.
I went to see my brother he was sitting on the floor
he didn't even look up when I walked through the door.
He said - "I've become a Buddhist and I'm meditating
in a year or two I will be levitating"
I tried to talk it over but he wouldn't listen
he said it was their Karma for girls to be kissin'
Things you don't expect can be a test of grit
I didn't think my brother wouldn't give a shit.
I went to see the Priest he was working on his car
tho' he hardly ever drives it because he likes a Jar.
He said my word was not enough and to get to the truth
I would really have to bring him some photographic proof.
I tried to talk it over but he wouldn't listen
he said some hard evidence would still be missin'.
Things you don't expect can make you kick a Coupe DeVille
I didn't think the Father was into girl on girl.
"There you are Monsignor emblazoned on the dints
your personal portfolio of my work boot prints"
Work Station

"Could you follow me"
"Yes, certainly"
"This is your work station here
I'll just go over it with you."
"These buttons on the front
you can press any of them
except this one
this one with the sticker that says
"Do Not Press"
Whatever you do under no circumstances-press this button."
"This array of switches to your left
you can flick any of these switches
it's up to you just use your own discretion.
But this switch here
the one with the red tape around it.
Do not even touch this switch
in fact avoid the switches near to it
in case you flick it by accident."
"The sliding regulators to your right
you can slide any of them
tolerance will still be automatically maintained.
But this one here the one that's bigger than the rest
this sets and locks all the others.
So - Do Not - slide this regulator
especially not on a Friday afternoon."
"Have you got that now?"
"O Yes, you can depend on me"
Saturday, 17 May 2014
For John Paul

The old Father said to me
'Don't you want to share
in the suffering of the world'
I thought for a moment and then replied
'I didn't know I was'
he replied sharply
'Well you are and be thankful'
He then stood up went over to a cupboard
and began to rummage through it
I began to think how selfish I was
for expecting a carefree life
in the midst of a world of suffering
He reappeared with an old Bible
thumbed through it and tore out a page
then walked out of the room
and down the hall toward the
I hurried after him
he opend the door and I stepped outside
he handed me the page
'Read this when you get home'- He said
'this is where you'll find Christ'
Then he stuck his head around the door
and said - 'I'll
'Thank you' I blurted out
to the closing door
Feeling disappointed I made my way home
The next morning
finding the page in my pocket
I sat on my
This is what it said
I was hungry
and you gave me food
I was thirsty
and you gave me a drink
I was a stranger
and you made me welcome
I was in rags
and you gave me clothes
I was ill
and you came and took care of me
I was in prison
and you came to see me there
I was despised
and you showed me respect
And in that moment it became clear to me
that the suffering of Christ
and the suffering of humanity
are indivisible and ongoing
In the afternoon
I went back to see the old Father
He answered the door
'I've got it' - I said
'I know what you mean'
He opened the door wider
and gestured with his hand
for me to come in
walking into the hall - I said
'You must have prayed for me right enough'
'I did ' he replied
'I prayed for you all night'
Reposted from 28-2-2010.
Friday, 2 May 2014
Do not ask
Who is standing in the doorway
Do not ask
Where they have been
Do not ask about their sin
Call out quickly "Come in" "Come in"
Do not ask
Who is standing in the doorway
Do not ask
Who is standing in the doorway
Do not ask
Where they have been
Do not ask about their sin
Call out quickly "Come in" "Come in"
Do not ask
Who is standing in the doorway
Do not ask
For a sign of appearance to please us
Do not even ask their name
Their name is Jesus.
Thursday, 1 May 2014
When I was 20 I thought that 50
was a thousand years away
and now I'm 50 I think that 60 and 70
are tomorrow and the next day
and now I'm 50 (no matter what you say)
I know that 20 is a thousand years away
If I was 20 again
I would Get out Get out Get out
and you should do the same
Relatives are a wonderful childhood accompaniment
and in adulthood they are also good
but on a different continent
Don't become the Hobby horse
from your Father's carpentry box
ridden into the ground for the rest of your life
Don't become the wedding dress
from your Mother's pattern box
another Wedding another Bride another Mother
Don't become the chattel
of a Priest or a Mullah
When all they are teaching is
Be me Be me Be me
Grasp your God given right to
Be you Be you Be you
Break the mould
shatter it beyond repair
leave no ambiguous pieces of doubt
and Get out Get out Get out.
This post has the most page views on my blog
I've reposted it from 6-11-2010.
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