The Longcase Clock
Tick tick tock went the big old Clock
as it stood all forlorn in the hall
then with a shout suddenly cried out
"My God I have killed them all."
The Mirror in shock, said-"Dear Mr Clock
you shouldn't go blaming yourself
because you display the hour of the day
on your handsome face of delft"
"You are in error' said the Clock to the Mirror
They are gone because of time
and I tremble with fear that they would be here
if it weren't for my cursed chime."
The Mirror then sighed and said "I have tried'
To shield you from this truth
I have studied the way time turns to grey
the golden mane of youth."
The Mirror went on - "Now don't get me wrong
I respect all the work you have done
but they are men and time ticks in them
and that is why they are gone."
The Clock said "Dear friend, I knew I could depend
on you to hear my cry
But though I grieve don't expect me to believe
your well meaning but fantastic lie"
The mirror said "Look, if it wasn't for this hook
that pins me to this wall
I'd give you some wit by lifting you with a kick
you an' your chimes an' all."
The Clock said "I see what you think of me
you couldn't be nice for an hour
and all this malice because you are jealous
of my universal power."
The Mirror said "That's great - so this is my fate
it's true that life can be cruel
I'm locked in this hall and pinned to this wall
facing a delusional fool."
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