In the week leading up to the eviction on Dale Farm.
The British Broadcasting Corporation airs the most emotive and disparaging news story about Travelling People it is within it's ability to construct.
This story is based on personal testimony from events that allegedly happened in 2008 and in 2004. It is completely one sided with those being accused given no opportunity to answer the allegations.
The BBC present this story on it's main news instead of a United Nations press conference that was given the same day in which the Government and Basildon Council were accused of denying the people of Dale Farm the human rights that have previously been ratified by the Government.
Whether the story presented by the BBC is true or fully accurate or not, there is one thing it does prove - Endemic institutional racism against Travelling People.
It is my opinion that the people of Post-Blair Britain are not so easily taken in by cynically constructed emotive manipulative news as they might have been in the past.
There is a percentage of news stories and documentaries
which are specifically constructed
with the purpose of attempted social manipulation.
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