Sunday, 25 January 2015

Big Fish.

It would not be possible to exaggerate

The criminality the corruption and the depravity

 Within  Politics and Corporate Business.

 Their union creates

 The Third Entity

 A machine like system

 Of  heartless,  soulless and unaccountable

 Control, manipulation and exploitation.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Prime Minister's Questions

 P M Qs

"If you don't stop picking your hair
you won't have any left to cover anything.
No I think it's slimming,
It's a lovely suit, you can't go wrong
with a dark blue mohair.
Did you bring the black shoes. Grey socks?
Your shirt's okay but the tie's a bit busy.
You're not giving the speech to Cherie!
You'd better have mine
I just put it on this morning
and nobody's seen it yet.
Yeah,  I know it's silk.
No, you look fine, give us a twirl
Oh, hold on a minute.
The severed Iraqi child's arm
in your top jacket pocket.
Here have this handkerchief instead
Ah, that's better.

Now go an' give 'em hell"

"Thank you Peter"

"You're Welcome"

The picture is of Dr David Kelly.

Harold Pinter.

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Pre - Birth. By Tony Blair the Devil's Gimp.

Jim Murphy - Tony Blair's Gimp.

Does this man want us to follow him or chase him. To me he reeks of  Tony Blair's slime,
and I think we should chase him all the way back to Westminster.
The photo is from BBC Scottish news, to inform us how great a guy he is.

Saturday, 10 January 2015

WD - 40 = The Population of Britain In My Lifetime.

 World Deaths By Suicide One Every 40 Seconds.
                                                                WHO Link.