Tuesday, 24 June 2014

David Gordon Mundell.

Our only Conservative Westminster MP in Scotland
but we are governed by punitive Tory policies.

Is Scotland a Nation or a region of England?

If  Scotland is a region then this is acceptable
If  Scotland is a Nation then this is unacceptable.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014


We should always forgive

We should forgive the repentant
 for thier sake

We should forgive the unrepentant
 for our sake

Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

Outing to Weem


Musselburgh flavoured ice cream
refined illusions of an outing to Weem

Escorted there escorted back
being in danger of satanic attack

Confined to a wheelchair on the deck of a ship
vocational memoirs dribble from the lip

Monday, 9 June 2014


When we remember the past it is as though we are standing there looking on,
our consciousness visits our past as an onlooker upon the events.
So our consciousness visits our past as an out of body experience.

You can try this yourself, remember something in your past and see.
It depends how you interpret this - As just the way we remember things.
Or a hint that our consciousness has a wee life of it's own.

Friday, 6 June 2014

War - 6th of June 2014.


War is the ultimate manipulation
pit a Nation against a Nation
and destroy for an idea
all that humanity holds as dear

War is hypocrisy on the march
from safe retreats Politicians watch
good family men kill good family men
and the church sanctions them

War is the Dictator's Cry
inflamed by democratic arms supply
who let the dogs of War devour
to further the aims of corporate power

War is the genocide of youth
for a lie uniformed as truth 
and all the pomp and pride and bravery
have their root in human savagery.