Sunday, 20 April 2014

Life and Light

                                                Lift up your heads  O you gates

                                               And be lifted up you everlasting doors

                                               And the King of glory shall come in

                                               Who is this King of glory

                                               The Lord strong and mighty

                                               The Lord mighty in battle

                                               Lift up your heads  O you gates

                                               Lift up  you everlasting doors

                                               And the King of glory shall come in

                                               Who is this King of glory

                                               The Lord of hosts

                                               He is the King of glory

                                               Psalm 24

Friday, 18 April 2014

What If -

What if – Human suffering is a gift from God
and we are being honoured by God
by being permitted to share in the suffering of Christ.

Thursday, 17 April 2014


I believe Jesus Saves I accept your right to disagree
But I know of at least two men he has saved from me.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Media Truth.

                                          Link to Liverpool Hillsborough Disaster
                                          Information on Wikipedia.

Saturday, 12 April 2014


Camouflage is an important word and practice in the military.

Camouflage is also an important word and practice in politics.

To begin to understand War you must first begin to understand
who or what is ruling the world, who or what is in control.

The world is ruled and controlled by the faceless and unaccountable
Executives who sit on the boards of world corporations.

The Leaders who sit in these boardrooms have no concern for people,
they have no concern for justice, they have no concern for peace,
they have no concern for democracy and no concern for the environment.

What concerns them is the control of the world's resources
for the purpose of establishing and maintaining their power and wealth.

If killing people and destroying their property is peace then they bring peace
If imposing upon a people a puppet Dictator is democracy then they bring democracy.

When soldiers are in the theatre of conflict
it is no longer about why they are there. It is about their Regiment, their friends,
it is about watching each others back, about killing or being killed.
It is about surviving and coming home to their families.

When the bodies start to come home it becomes disrespectful to ask why.
Now it becomes about service and duty and honour.
People appear on the news saying - "That's what they wanted"
And families who do not say the right things don't get to appear on the news.
The reason for this is that the corporations also control the media.

Politicians are the mediators between the boardrooms and the public.

When they retire from politics they graduate to the boardrooms.

And in graduating to the boardrooms
they complete the cycle and structure of  Global Plutocracy.

Reposted from   6 - 8 - 2010.


The Willow Trees


A day
can seem like a lifetime                   
a moment like a year
hopes and dreams
contained and lost
in one exploding tear

in the freeze frame
moving in slo-mo
another imagined 
retrospective scenario

When those loved
more than life
do not survive
the deepest wound 
is the hurt
of being alive
To stand beneath
the willow trees
and weep aloud 
lost in grief
wander Market street
among the crowd

in the freeze frame
moving in slo-mo
another imagined
retrospective scenario.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

The Ball Chaos Theory

The Beach

I began to focus
on blurred images
and was trying to listen
to muffled sounds
slowly I could hear water
and was standing on a Beach
looking out upon
an endless translucent sea

A young man walking on the Beach
walks over to me
smiling he says
'I am here to welcome you'

'Thank you'-I reply
'But where is this place?'

' 'This'  he answered  'Is Eternity'
'We are standing outside linear time
and touching all time
here the past is alive
and the future is remembered
this is spiritual time
the eternal loop of consciousness'

Then he asks me
'Do you know - 'The ball chaos theory?'

'I do' I reply
'Jesus caught the ball
and the car ran him over'

'Well this place' He replied
is where the chaos ends'

'I have often wondered
and wonder now - could you tell me
'Why is there chaos?'

To this question He replied

'The Universe The Earth
and Humanity upon the Earth
are the outcome of infinite variables
you should understand
they are as they are
because it was never possible
for them to be any other way'
'And for you
Believe and also Trust in this
The hand that threw the first
still reaches out to catch the last'

At this I enquired -
'Is Jesus here that I may worship him?'

The young man replied
'He is not far from you my child'

I knelt to worship
and then I heard someone saying
'He's coming round
he's going to make it'
I opened my eyes
someone was pressing my chest
I was coughing up water
Someone else was saying
'We need to take off your shirt
open your hand
and let go of the ball.'

The ball chaos theory.

A child is playing with a ball on the pavement
their hand misses the catch
and it runs out onto the road
because the child's mind is occupied by playing
they run out after it straight in front of a car
Any Parent would choose to go after that ball
instead of their child
and any Parent would say
'How could God let this happen'
We cannot fully understand why God allows
so much that is wrong to happen in the world
or why instead of taking the wrong away
God chose in the person of Christ
to take upon himself
the uncertainty the suffering
and the grief of Humanity
When Jesus died on the cross
the ball that had run out onto the road
fell from his hand
'Jesus caught the ball
and the car ran him over'
this is the ball chaos theory.

I know this could be seen as simplistic.
But I've posted it because I believe there is
a few grains of truth in it.


It is a compliment to be disliked by some people.

Friday, 4 April 2014

The Boxer

The Boxer

1. A Boxer stands in the ring
who has learned to accept the pain 
squaring up defying his opponent
to hit him again

2. Backed into a corner
devoid of all hope
being picked off at will
held up by the rope

3. A tirade of blows
rain down on his head
his opponent thinks he's finished
the crowd think he's dead

4. The fans are chanting
celebrating the win
when he turns like a panther
to connect with his chin

5. His opponent unconscious
drops on the canvas
celebrating with Dorothy
somewhere in Kansas

6. He walks to a corner
and patiently stands
until the Referee
raises his hands

7.  He commiserates with his opponent
acknowledges the crowd
then steps from the ring
neither humbled nor proud

8. When asked for a comment
at the end of the bout
He replies:
'No one is finished
until counted out'

9. 'When he didn't have the power
to put me away
he should have boxed
and kept me at bay'

10. 'Boxing's not a sport
Boxing's not a game
it's not about inflicting
but bearing the pain.'

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


Nicky Gumbel interviews Tony Blair at Holy Trinity Brompton.
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair spoke of his personal Christian faith, his work in the Middle East and his vision for his Faith Foundation at a church event attended by 1,200 people on Tuesday night. 21st July 2009.

Tell me the mystery
the half light
of your dark fantasy
the black day
the white night
of amoral innocence

Tell me the truth
your truth made mine
and show me the proof
the proof ephemeral
animated in your mind

Tell me your mind
the clinical ambition
the gregarious charm
the sociopathic innocence
the earnest pernicious desire
the benevolent funeral pyre

It is not right for a man
to judge his worth
by denying worth to another

It is not right for a man
to injure what he cannot heal
or destroy what he cannot build

It is not right for a man
to kill like Cain
or die like Abel
killed in the twilight
of good overcome by evil

Hear the whisper of his blood
utter a bewildered sigh
for the innocents caught up
in our devious violent world.

Another repost.