Thursday, 29 August 2013

Edinburgh Joke

Winner funniest joke of the 2013 Edinburgh Fringe:

 "Heard a rumour that Cadbury is bringing out an oriental chocolate bar. Could be a Chinese Wispa."

Not finding this funny, I thought of this one:

Q. What is an Edinburgh "Equilibrium"

A. The number of Trams in Edinburgh is equal to
The number of Range Rovers on Edinburgh Councillors driveways.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Martin Luther King Jnr

Czech Anti Roma Protests

BBC News Europe 25th august 2013.

Hundreds of far-right activists have staged anti-Roma marches in towns and cities across the Czech Republic.

In some areas, stones were thrown at police who responded with tear gas. At least 75 arrests were made.

Amnesty International expressed concern earlier this month over the planned marches, urging officials to protect the Roma community.

The Roma are among the poorest people in Czech society and Roma leaders often complain of endemic discrimination.

The worst clashes during Saturday's seven rallies took place in Ostrava and Ceske Budejovice, Radio Prague reported.

In both cities, the marchers left the approved route and tried to reach areas with large Roma populations.

Counter demonstration in Plzen. 24 Aug 2013 The rallies drew counter-demonstrations, like this one in Plzen

In Ostrava, around 600 protesters pelted police with stones and at least 60 people were detained.

In the city of Plzen about 400 people took part in an anti-Romany march and about 15 arrests were made, local media reported.

Human rights activists staged counter-demonstrations in several cities including the capital Prague.

Earlier this month, Amnesty International warned that anti-Roma feeling in the Czech republic was getting worse.

"We have seen a deeply worrying trend over the past year with entrenched discrimination against Roma reaching new heights. This is a fundamental issue that the Czech authorities can't ignore," said Amnesty International's John Dalhuisen.

In 2010, four right-wing extremists were jailed for an arson attack on a Roma family in Vitkov in which a child was severely burned.