Thursday, 29 April 2010

Neil Armstrong's Apollo Space Suit.

Including: Suit Helmet Boots Gloves Backpack and Undergarments.

Question: Why does the description of Neil Armstrong's space suit
require less technical terminology than one Bishop's T Shirt?

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Aliens land in Bonnybridge : Attempt to communicate.

"Nave Rogation Quicunque vult Sacristan Dalmatic Ambo Biretta Canticle Canon Hallowmas Chasuble Surplice Te Deum Laudamus Chimere Martinmas Credence Theotokos Lammas Missal Venite Mitre Scamnum Offertory Dalmatic Prelate"

Local man said: "Sounds like English but nothing we've heard before.'People are trying to figure it out."

Professor Hawking warned: "We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet."

What I think: High Church is so detached from the daily lives and problems of ordinary people that it's painful to look at.
More like a camp pantomime than church. Not that I wouldn't enjoy a camp pantomime
but it's not church.
This kind of church is esoteric in the extreme, definitely for the initiated.
Alien to and also alienates those on the outside looking in.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Technological advance in computer cleaning.

Ever wanted to clean the inside of your monitor screen
you now can by - clicking here.

Eric Idle.

Alien Invation.

Stephen Hawking has revealed a strong belief in aliens and warned the Earth could be at risk from an invasion.
In a new documentary series, the renowned astrophysicist argued that it is 'perfectly rational' to assume intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe.
And in an extraordinary series of assertions, he said Earth might be at risk from what he imagines to be 'massive ships' which could try to colonise our planet and purge our resources.
Professor Hawking said: 'We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet.
'I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet.

'Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach.'
It would be 'too risky' to attempt to make contact with alien races, he concluded.

'If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America.

"I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet."

1. This is the plot from the film "Independence Day"

2. If aliens were capable of interstellar/intergalactic travel - Why would they ever want to pass millions of planets that are individually made of any element available on Earth.

3. This was one of the flaws in the plot of "Independence Day"

Rajan Zed.

Rajan Zed is an acclaimed Indo-American and Hindu statesman who has taken up Hindu, interfaith, religion, environment, Roma and other causes all over the world.

He was invited by the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pottering, in December 2009 in Brussels (Belgium) for a meeting to promote interfaith dialogue and discuss Hindu issues. He read the groundbreaking first Hindu opening prayer in the United States Senate in Washington DC.

Zed is one of the panelists for “On Faith”, an interactive conversation on religion produced jointly by Newsweek and He has been bestowed with “World Interfaith Leader Award”,
“Nevada Religious Unity Award”, “Positive Pluralism and Unity Prize”, and other awards for interfaith dialogue.

Statement - 23/4/2010.

Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, said that the recent United Kingdom government publication of a 28-page booklet “Guidance on managing anti-social behaviour related to Gypsies and Travellers”- was clearly discriminatory. Had the UK published such booklets on any other ethnic group or majority community? Zed asked. 

Published by John Denham headed Department of Communities and Local Government which aims at a community "where everyone has the right to the same opportunities, freedom and respect", it is available free. Why this “special handling” of Gypsies/Travelers only, Rajan Zed, who is president of Universal Society of Hinduism, questioned. 

Talking about the booklet, Department says: "These provide advice on effective use of enforcement powers that local authorities, the police and private landowners have to deal with unauthorized encampments, where Gypsies and Travellers camp on land which they do not own and with unauthorised developments, where Gypsies and Travellers own the land, but do not have planning permission to develop it as a caravan site."  

Zed urged the European Union, UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown and the Equality and Human Rights Commission to look into it and stop unnecessary targeting of a helpless community. Racism and discrimination was already escalating against Gypsies/Travelers, it did not need any Government push, he argued. 

Rajan Zed asked The Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams to also come out openly in support of this distinct and culturally ethnic community who face “apartheid” conditions in Europe. Because religion teaches us to help the helpless, Dr Rowan Williams should recognize, acknowledge and affirm that Roma/Gypsies/Travelers are also children of God invested with the God given right to be treated like all other people—as equals. Zed quoted from The Bible: “When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd (Matthew 9:36)”. 

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Reflections on War

Lloyd George, Clemenceau and Wilson arrive at Versailles for negotiations.
The British War Graves Cemetery at Seraucourt Le Grand, near the River Somme.

Thoughts on the Somme.

Their youth their passion their dreams are gone
But dream of them when nights are long

Illuminated by a single flare
Catatonic in the glare

Rows of childlike ceramic faces
Ten years from learning to tie their laces

Hardly knowing right from wrong
Slaughtered like sheep along the Somme.


War is the ultimate manipulation
pit a Nation against a Nation
and destroy for an idea
all that humanity holds as dear

War is hypocrisy on the march
from safe retreats Politicians watch
good family men kill good family men
and the church sanctions them

War is the Dictator's Cry
inflamed by democratic arms supply
who let the dogs of War devour
to further the aims of corporate power

War is the genocide of youth
for a lie uniformed as truth
and all the pomp and pride and bravery
have their root in human savagery.


Mass Graves
of young men killed
in some long forgotten war
by some long forgotten authority
for some long forgotten reason

Are these the bones
of brave young men
are these of cowards
who ran away
are these of families
caught in the vengeance
of the blood lust day

The victorious
the vanquished
they are all gone now
And somewhere
a young Mother
holds her baby to her breast
and a Father's heart swells
with grateful joy
and adoring pride.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Spiritual Connections.

Three Traveller men and Three Bedouin men.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

The Forgotten Experiment.

Bobbin Mill, Pitlochry, Perthshire, Scotland.

The Advocacy Project. 1326 14th street, Washington.

Open Letter Regarding the Bobbin Mill Encampment

Dear Colleagues:

This is an open letter sent from the UK Association of Gypsy Women to the Scottish Executive and Perth & Kinross Council to express our great concern with regard to the Gypsy/Travellers encampment at Bobbin Mill Pitlochry.

Bobbin Mill was the setting for the “Tinker Experiment Programme” which has lasted for 60 years. We feel it must surely make it the longest experiment in history and begs the question: when will it come to a satisfactory conclusion as far as satisfying the Perth & Kinross Council and the Scottish Executive is concerned!

Bobbin Mill residents are living in worse conditions today in the year 2006 than they were when first put into the “Experimental” programme in 1947.

Miss Rosanna Mcphee is a board member/colleague of the UKAGW and she resides on Bobbin Mill and to our knowledge she has worked tirelessly to highlight the inhumane conditions that the residents had to endure and are still enduring.

Perth & Kinross Council will be well aware by now of the history of Bobbin Mill encampment. The very fact that it is well documented the families were used as a “Tinker Experiment” and the accommodation, if you can call it that, consisted of a 60ft x18ft wooden hut to be made into 4 dwellings. In addition the cheapest price was agreed to be used in the construction thereof.

Noted: at the time in documentation that this would be substandard housing and would not qualify to come under the building regulations of the time.

Growing families were forced out of the huts and into caravans, which the families were forced to provide themselves. Water, sanitation, electricity or indeed a road, which are fundamentally taken for granted and enjoyed by the wider Community was never deemed a necessity for the “Tinker Experiment” families of Bobbin Mill.

The families who have been used for the “Tinker Experiment” are the tenants of the local authority. We feel the local authority from that time, regardless of their name, have been negligent in their duty of care to say the very least towards the families in the “Tinker Experiment” programme.

Miss Rosanna McPhee and Mr Shamus McPhee have both received a notification of a warrant issued against them by Perth & Kinross Council for “Non payment of Council Tax”.

UKAGW would like to make a request to you, Ms Malone, as the Chief Executive to use your good offices to treat the matter of notification of warrants of non payment of council tax against Mr & Miss McPhee with the utmost urgency and have these warrants withdrawn.

We are utterly appalled that people were treated in such a disgraceful inhumane manner by their so called fellow man and are now being harassed and persecuted into paying for a service they have never received. We feel this most certainly adds insult to injury.

Mr McPhee Senior was a war hero of the Second World War serving under Lord Mountbattan in the Royal Navy. On his return his reward for serving his country , along with his family, was to be put into a “Tinker Experiment Programme” bordering on Third Reich Tactics.

The “Tinker Experiment” and the discrimination suffered is still being endured by these families in 2006. We feel, without prejudice, it is our duty to highlight and bring to world attention the treatment of Gypsy/Travellers in Scotland.

UKAGW have agreed on a fact-finding mission to Pitlochry with partners from the USA to make good a full report to be forwarded to Minister Ruth Kelly; Yvette Cooper Junior Minister, Local Government and Communities Office, UK Federation Romany Gypsies & Irish Travellers, United Nations New York, Partners in the Council of Europe, European Roma Traveller Forum Strasbourg, International Roma Women’s Network Strasbourg, Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions Geneva, European Union Monitoring Centre Vienna, Advocacy Project Washington DC USA.

This letter surprised me very much.

I'm so used to the way Travellers are treated in Scotland and have been treated in the past that it was only after reading this letter that the enormity of the injustice suffered by the families of Bobbin Mill dawned on me.
I didn't realize it, just how desensitized I was to the way Travelling people are treated in Scotland.

View from Pitlochry.

Shamus and Roseanna McPhee

Tribunal setback for Gypsy Travellers
By Colin Turbett.

Scotland’s forgotten oppressed minority – the Gypsy Traveller community, have been dealt a blow with the finding of a recent Employment tribunal in Aberdeen.

Ken McLennan, a non Traveller, who worked for the Gypsy Traveller Education and Information Project (GTEIP), was sacked last year. Ken took the GTEIP to a tribunal on the basis that he had been dismissed for activities that had upset some of the funders of the project, but which was in the interests of this ethnic minority.

The nub of his argument was that Gypsy Travellers were a recognised ethnic minority. The GTEIP, who claim to campaign for Gypsy Travellers, took the extraordinary step of arguing that as this had never been tested in a Scottish Court they had no case to answer. In other words their dismissal of Ken was legitimate because Scottish Travellers are not an ethnic minority and should enjoy no special protection, unlike their fellows in England , Wales and Ireland.

The Employment Judge, Nicol Hosie, then considered old dictionary definitions of Travellers and Gypsies and concluded that Scottish Travellers were not of Romany origin and agreed that they were not therefore an ethnic minority who should enjoy protection under anti discriminatory race relations law.

Until now everyone concerned with Scottish Gypsy Travellers, whether in the Scottish Parliament, or the Commission for Racial Equality, have argued publicly that Scottish Gypsy Travellers were of the same ethnic origin as other Travellers in the UK. All that was necessary was a test case to put this through the Scottish Legal System, and establish it once and for all. Whilst this would in itself not end centuries of prejudice it would at least make it easier to challenge modern day discrimination.

Said Gypsy Traveller activist Roseanna McPhee from Bobbin Mill site in Pitlochry:
“This has got to be challenged, and as quickly as possible. There are reasons why after 13 years on the supply list, I cannot get a job as a Gaelic teacher. I know what they are and they are based in discrimination pure and simple. I am not popular because I have spoken out, and I have suffered for it.”

Her brother Shamus, who is faced with Sheriff Officer action over an unpaid Council Tax bill is also in no doubt about the realities of the racial prejudice he faces daily: “They want thousands from me for Council Tax. This is meant to be payment for services but until now we have had none on this site – not even the basics of water and electricity.”

My personal view:

Scottish Travellers are indigenous to Scotland and are not of natural Romany origin.
But as Scottish Travellers have a shared history of nomadic culture, lifestyle and also have for centuries shared the discrimination of all Romany and nomadic people it is long past the time that they also had a share in anti-discrimination law.

'Scottish Travelling People' endure the most discrimination
and have the least recourse to law than any other ethnic group in Scotland.

This has raised some questions for me:...What is Roma?...Who are Roma?

In almost every country in the world there are people who live Romany lives.
Some of them are indigenous to their countries and some of them come from other countries. And all of them no matter what origin or nationality have a global spiritual connection. Any Traveller reading this will know what I'm talking about.
It's a feeling in the air, you know that you are connected to all people everywhere who are strangers and pilgrims in the world.
And because of this I can also say "I am Roma I am Romany"

An update to this story:

Scottish Gypsy Travellers are celebrating the recent judgement by Nicol Hosie at an Aberdeen Employment Tribunal in the case of Ken MacLennan, a non Gypsy Traveller who was dismissed last year by the Aberdeen based Gypsy Traveller Education and Information Project GTEIP).

A preliminary hearing early in 2008 ruled that Ken's submission that his activities in defending the interests of Gypsy Travellers, were protected under race relations legislation, which his employer had objected to, were not protected as Scottish Gypsy Travellers were not an ethnic minority.

The GTEIP had produced evidence to this effect at the earlier hearing, but, under pressure from the Government's Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), did not defend this position when Ken successfully won the right to the review which was held in September.

At the Employment Tribunal Review, the results of which were published to little fanfare in late October, Nicol Hosie about turned on his earlier decision thanks to a massive amount of evidence produced on Mr MacLennan's behalf, by Shamus and Roseanna McPhee, members of the Scottish Gypsy Traveller Law Reform Coalition (SGTLRC), backed up by Dr Colin Clark from Strathclyde University.

This involved historical research put together by the McPhees, brother and sister from Bobbin Mill site in Pitlochry.

Hosie commended the quality of their evidence which covered matters of shared common history, language and culture which met the criteria for separate ethnic identity established by other landmark rulings in UK Courts, but as yet unproven in the Scottish court system.

Ken MacLennan's case against dismissal will now proceed to a full hearing in the New Year.

Said Roseanna McPhee:
"This ruling marks a significant step in the right direction in our struggle to achieve full recognition and legal protection in Scotland. The earlier hearing decision was followed by an increase in harrassment of members of our community, and this judgment takes us back to where we were but with some added strength to our case. Meanwhile discrimination continues as does our fight for law reform. In Italy the persecution of the Roma people is open and enjoys legal backing under Berlusconi, but in Scotland it is hidden from view but often just as hurtful."

Members of the SGTLRC will be travelling down to Manchester later this month where a film about the plight of Scotland's Gypsy Travellers, which focuses on the McPhees, has been shortlisted for a prize at the Exposures student film festival. The film, entitled "The Forgotten Experiment", made by final year film and media students from Stirling University.

The film will be shown all week at the festival alongside other short films in a series entitled "Distant Voices, Still Lives" which looks at the plight of minorities from various parts of the world.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Ready for man-made disaster.

MP John Baron congratulates Basildon Council Team.

Yesterday, John attended the opening of Basildon Councils’ new Emergency Control Room at the Basildon Centre. The high-tech room is ready for use 24hrs a day in the event of a man-made or natural disaster occurring in the District.

John said: “Gerry Levelle and his team did a great job during the Billericay Fire incident. But it is absolutely essential that they have the latest high-tech facilities should the worse happen again. This they now have, and well done to all involved.”

Also in attendance was the Leader of the Council Cllr. Malcolm Buckley, Deputy Leader Cllr. Tony Ball, Cllr. Phil Turner, Cllr. Ann Blake, Chief Executive Bala Mahendran, and the Emergency Control Team led by Gerry Levelle.

The picture shows John Baron, Bala Mahendran and Malcolm Buckley at the Emergency Control Website.

MP John Baron's proposals regarding Traveller sites here.

I would expect the - Much stronger powers for councils against Travellers -
To be the only part of these proposals that would be implemented.

Another location problem here.

From: Mrs Nora Sheridan, Dale Farm.

To: Mr Bala Mahendran, Chief Executive, Basildon District Council,
St Martins Square, Basildon SS14 1DL. 19th June 2009.

Dear Mr Mahendran,

I have not seen you myself because I am too sick to come to meetings but I suppose you may have a grandmother like me, God bless her. I am eighty-four years old and the doctors say they can do nothing more for me. I was taken in to Basildon hospital last week but discharged myself as I want to be at home with my own family for the time I have left on this earth.

Only I'm afraid that you are going to send in the bailiffs and bulldozers and I am in the very first yard you will come to destroy. You will destroy my home and, sir, you will kill me. That is the truth.

I only have my son Dan caring for me and as Sister Cathy, from our church, will tell you he is not well himself.

I do not understand all that is going on and I have asked Grattan Puxon to write this letter for me, which he is reading over to me and I will sign with my cross. With this letter you will find my preliminary housing application form. Only I do not want to be accommodated somewhere else. I do not want to be taken away from my own people, from my son Dan and my other son Jimmy, and all the family. So my first request to you is this: will you as the chief executive of the Basildon Council leave me in peace in the yard where I am living? As I do not have long to live.

It has been explained to me that although there is an Enforcement Notice on this yard you can choose, to delay carrying out your eviction of me and my son. Will you please do that?

You may consider that this yard is itself a special case, as it has properties on three sides of it which have full planning permission. I do not know why they are allowed but this one is not. It makes no sense.

Can you please explain to me, in clear English, why your council are so keen to have me off this little bit of so-called Greenbelt land when you are allowing people to live right next to me, on properties that border this one to the west, north and east.

Why do you want this little piece of ground? Why are you going to kill me to get it cleared? That is what I ask you.

Please advice me as to whether it would help my situation if I was to make a Planning Application for this ground, which is 1 Oak Lane (East)? I only want to keep here the mobile-home, and to be able to stay on for my life-time.

Mr Puxon, of the Gypsy Council, has explained to me that your council has been preparing its Gypsy and Traveller Site DPD and this was to be ready in July.

Has the council adopted its Traveller Site DPD? If not, when is it likely to adopt it? Will you leave be alone to live with my son at 1 Oak Lane until another site is available to which I can move? I do not wish go into a house or home. I need to be with my son and with my own family close by to help me, and be a comfort to me in my last days.

If you will not do this, I ask you what is going to happen to me and Dan? My church, which is Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, in London Road, and my parish priest Father John Glynn (who will get a copy of this letter) are offering to help me when you come to evict me.

Are you going to allow me to take up his offer of shelter in the church hall? I am very weak and will need to be moved in an ambulance. I believe the Red Cross will be willing to move me, if proper notice is given and the arrangements can be made.

Will you please tell me when you are sending the bulldozers as I am in the first yard they will break up, and I will be very frightened when they come. I am afraid I will collapse.

Will you give me advance notice so that I can be moved safety to the church hall before all the eviction uproar starts? I need to know which morning you are coming with the police and all that. Will you please let me know?

I know that in the past you have issued a letter giving 28 days notice. But that does not tell me which morning you are coming so that proper arrangements can be made by the church to move me to a safe place in their hall, which has to be made ready and booked in advance for that day. Do you understand what I am worrying about here? In the past you have sent in the bailiffs without warning, breaking up peoples caravans at Hovefields Avenue. I would not be able to stand any of that.

I understand that I have the right under the Freedom of Information Act to receive from you copies of any plans the council has made or will make concerning the eviction operation and the date that operation will be carried out. I am now asking you under the Act to give me all written information on the way the eviction will be carried out and when, and also a copy of the Risk Assessment report that is made, or will be made, to cover the eviction.

I am pleased to tell you that the United Nations is helping me and I hope that you can be as good as they are. The UN Mission team, whom you met on 23 April in our church hall where I want to go for shelter if you evict me, have promised they will be there in my home to see that your bailiffs and police don't hurt or insult me.

Good bless you, Sincerely, Nora Sheridan.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Luck is Important

It doesn't matter so much as you think. Ask a question and you'll receive an answer but is it the question you should have asked and is it the answer you wanted to hear or needed to hear. Green is a good colour for most things especially Jade but not for cars green cars are not lucky and luck is important if you think it is but even if you don't think it is it's still important. The importance of something is not going to hang around waiting for you to make up your mind.
Light is very important but becomes less important when you want to go to sleep so even something that's very is not always very. light is good but it's not good all the time unless you're a CIA man sitting in an office eating a burger and it's your eight hours to monitor the cell with the 24 hour light. Dark becomes very important to the man in the cell the man who is denied the dark.
Swimming is good for you everyone should swim people who can't swim should learn how to swim. When waiting for your plane to be refuelled you should take advantage of all your Hotel facilities especially if without you your plane and passengers aren't going anywhere sitting on the tarmac at Prestwick.
We can only go forward we can't go back everyone eventually wants to go back but we can't go back. We're stuck in the present this is it. We are all the fools of our own sensibleness.
Law is good but what if law is not good what if law is bad do we remain good law abiding citizens by dutifully obeying bad law. Why did the Church of Scotland send all it's young men to advance on German machine gun positions in the first world war. Was that good. Was it all for more than a vendetta between royal cousins in England and in Germany.
Now German soldiers fight alongside British soldiers and are killed in Afghanistan.
Time changes things. We are told they were wrong and now we are right.
It is right to fight in Corporate Wars. The biggest the greatest most ruthless Business is War.
They throw us a Hero they throw him on our doorstep and they say "Here is your Hero look at your Hero." We look and we see an eighteen year old boy who couldn't get a job so he took their job just to get out of the house. He was promised a job and a life but now he is dead and the Corporate Bosses say to us "This is your Hero"
Life is short but there is no need to be small. Interviews are interesting things.
An enquirer interviewing a psychopath is of interest. Talking about their Christianity being watched by twelve hundred Christians. Applauding or hissing or oinking approval then they all run down the side of a hill and are lost in the water some of them perhaps for ever.
Dust clouds are also of interest and empty skies. Luck is important we are lucky the dust is so high. Desert dust is low. It gets in your eyes in your ears in your mouth at the last you cannot see you cannot hear and you cannot speak.

Stand by me

Wednesday, 14 April 2010


We have to stand up against coercive sterilization

The European Parliament held a meeting yesterday in honour of the International Women's Day, dedicating the event to the fight against the violence against women. In the session organized by the Committee on Gender Equality, MEP Lívia Járóka (European People's Party / Fidesz) spoke against the coercive sterilization of Roma women.

MEP Lívia Járóka called it alarming that there were no proper official data about the practice of forced sterilization, which several Roma women had been subject to throughout the EU. Although concerned Member States claim that coercive sterilization of Romani women has not occurred since 2004, when the issue was first officially recognized, several experts on human rights allege that this practice is continuing to date.

Járóka emphasized that even though several judicial verdicts had been reached in favour of the victims, adequate compensations and official apologies in most cases were still pending. She stated that the one of the primary prerequisites for stepping up against such grievous forms of violence against women was to have proper statistical data. Járóka assured her audience that as Vice Chairwomen of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, she would ensure that this issue would be at the top of the committee’s and the European Parliament’s agenda.

Press Release of MEP Lívia Járóka

Dale Farm

Thursday, 8 April 2010

"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche"

As Ann Widdecome is a former Government Minister a present Member of Parliament a devout Christian and a member of the 'Conservative Christian Fellowship' I thought her views would be of interest.

"There's a distinction between the genuine Romanies and the rest'...It's the rest that the law should come down on." - Ann Widdecome.

These ideas are not new. Heinrich Himmler suggested the establishment of a remote reservation, where "pure Gypsies" could continue their nomadic lifestyle unhindered.

According to him: The aim of measures taken by the State to defend the homogeneity of the German nation must be the physical separation of Gypsydom from the German nation, the prevention of miscegenation, and finally, the regulation of the way of life of pure and part-Gypsies.

Nine representatives of the Romani community in Germany were asked to compile lists of pure-blooded Romanies to be saved from extermination. However, these lists were often ignored and some who were named on them were still sent to concentration camps.

The extermination of Romanies was started as early as 1933 while camps were being established by the Nazis to contain Romanies at Dachau, Dieselstrasse, Mahrzan and Vennhausen. The vast majority of Romanies were to suffer the same indignities as the Jews. The Society for Threatened Peoples estimates the casualties at 277,100. Martin Gilbert estimates a total of more than 220,000 of the 700,000 Romani in Europe, including 15,000 (mainly from the Soviet Union) in Mauthausen in January–May 1945. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum cites scholars that estimate the number of Sinti and Roma killed to lie between 220,000 and 500,000. Dr Sybil Milton, a historian at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Research Institute, estimated the number of Romani lives lost to be up to 1,500,000.

Most of the above is from the 'Porajmos' page in Wikipedia.

I personally find the way Ann Widdecome dismissed out of hand generations of Travelling Peoples family life and  culture as though it was some form of ignorance that could be righted if "they" got a small flat, to be brutish of her.


Give up your Jews
Give up your Jews
Give up your Jews

And your Gypsies too

Give up your Colleagues
Give up your Neighbours
Give up your Friends

Give up them All
Give up Control
Give up your Soul

We have a Law...To make you Obey
We have a Law...To take you Away
We have a Law...To kill you Today

Law is Might...Wrong is Right
Dark is Light...Blind is Sight

No turning back at the Mississippi Turnpike

Now for Evensong.

International Roma Day April 8th

On the occasion of International Roma Day, April 8, the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) recalls that, to date, Roma remain the most deprived ethnic group of Europe. Across Europe, the fundamental rights of Roma are still being violated on a regular basis. Repetitious cases of racist violence and hate speech targeting Roma are reported frequently. Roma are also subject to discrimination in accessing employment, education, health care, and public and social services.

The ERRC is particularly alarmed about the violations of housing rights of Roma, which have intensified in the recent years in several European countries including, but not limited to the Czech Republic, Greece, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, and Turkey. The ERRC notes that violations of the housing rights of Roma do not solely take the form of lack of access to adequate housing because of poverty or exclusionist attitudes, but are frequently manifest in cases of forced evictions and systemic destruction of Romani settlements.

Adequate housing is commonly understood to include the following elements; legal security of tenure, availability of services, materials, facilities and infrastructure, affordability, habitability, accessibility, location, and cultural adequacy. International and European human rights standards establish firmly the right to adequate housing as a fundamental right. Widespread reports concerning abuses of the housing rights of Roma across Europe indicate pervasive discrimination. Many Roma continue to live in segregated areas lacking basic security of tenure with highly substandard conditions. Such settlements are characterised by inadequate infrastructure and limited access to public services. In most cases, it is in addition to these inadequate and degrading conditions that Roma are subjected to forced eviction, abusive police raids and destruction of their property. In nearly all cases of housing demolitions documented by the ERRC and partner organisations, the persons affected were not provided with affordable alternative accommodations, as is required by international law, and faced homelessness.

International Roma Day was officially declared in 1990 in Poland, during the fourth World Romani Congress in honour of the first major international meeting of Roma representatives, 7-12 of April, 1971 in London, UK. International Roma Day is a day to celebrate Romani culture and raise awareness of the issues facing Romani people. It is worrying to note how little progress has been achieved since 1990 in improving the living conditions of Roma. The international community must utilise this day and remember its obligations to provide and implement legal/social/political instruments, which enable Roma to free themselves from precarious situation in which they live.

On the occasion of International Roma Day, the ERRC invites all relevant parties and public authorities to create the social/political/legal climate wherein the rights and the culture of Roma are respected and celebrated at all times.

On Speyside

I've heard the auld folk tell a story
and bring to life the scene before me
how folk were wonderful' content
in a wagon or a humble tent
when life was all uncomplicated
and simple things were appreciated
With an enthusiastic glow
they unfold a time long ago
and I listen with joy and pride
of youthful days along Speyside
Near a grove in a field of green
beside a flowing purling stream
the Travelling families are gathered
their tents secured their horses tethered.

No land no house to call their own
being together they are at home
for a household is not brick and mortar
but husband wife and son and daughter
And in some Scottish highland shire
assembled at the common fire
warmed against the evening air
and happy everyone is there
the tobacco and the stories go round
and children sing with an angelic sound
Until beneath the starlit sky
they recede into a time gone by
and will not walk these roads again
but I will gladly go to them.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010



From the corner of my eye
I can almost see
in a recess of my mind
something dark is watching me
Moving in shadows
but not caused by light
emanating darkness

Held at the gate
by the keeper of the keys
kept in quarantine like a disease
Endlessly pacing
the confines of it's cell
Glaring defiantly
with the venom of hell

Here is
The accuser of my soul
the robber of my peace

Here is
The hand of iron
fashioned in a cross
fashioned to deceive

Here is
The God of racial supremacy
the master of the master race
the destroyer of worlds

And from you where can I flee
to the highest mountain or the deep blue sea
I will take you there with me.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Walking from Chuch

As you get older you tend to see or have more of a handle on things as they are.
When you're younger you're full of ideals, you want to change the world.
Then one day you catch a glimpse in the mirror you don't like and realize this is the you that's just as bad as all the people you had wanted to save the world from.
Then you know you're not just the victim of all the bad stuff that goes on in the world you're also the perpetrator.
I suppose that's got something to do with the young being full of ideals and people who are a bit older receding into resignation.
Jesus said to his disciples - "you have more to learn but you cannot bear it all just now." I think that some of what they could not bear was the truth about themselves in the sight of God.
Does this mean we should do nothing - No, we should still try but to me - not to change the world but to change one heart at a time beginning with our own.
What we need to find within ourselves is not the "good" but the "Jackbooted Goose-stepping Nazi." Subdue this part of ourselves first then the good will come.

Sunday, 4 April 2010

First Day.

Place of Worship.

in the chapel
within my soul
the dawning light
prismatic crystal walls

Bursting into colour
like wild flowers
greeting the spring

Here is enshrined
God's beautiful truth

"Peace and Reconciliation"

With God
with self
with those who love
with those who hate

This righteous sun rises
with healing in it's wings

And in this morning
even life's hard knocks
take on a rationality
the outer facade
letting in the light

Saturday, 3 April 2010



Friday, 2 April 2010

The Road to the Cross.

The Road to the Cross.

I look up to see
my family and friends
being roughly pushed aside
in the anguish of their cries
my own becomes intensified

I catch faces
in the crowd
blatant defiant
perversely proud

Their eyes ablaze
in a frenzied glare
fists clenched around
clumps of my hair

When purpose
becomes obscured
by chaos
secret doubts
arise to betray us

The human heart
is crushed
by not knowing why
a faithful son
should be left to die

Why expedient plans
of powerful men
conspire to accuse
convict and condemn

Why there is no man
to intercede
and their hatred
is the only
assurance to plead

Why to all the world
this day appears
to have all purpose drowned
in a Mother's tears.

The Cross.

I have walked
on the way of the Cross
where the tangible presence
of a suffocating darkness
falls around like a screen
for the broken in heart
Yet the fingers still pierce
and the distorted faces
betray the malformed
feeling and thought
The grief is so crushing
it shatters the rocks
The thunder attempts
to cry out in pain
The elements gather
in lamentation
as Creation
attends to witness the scene
And what is love
that it can sentence
The Living God to Death
and can that love
make pointing fingers
direct a soul to him
and can that love
make distorted faces
shine in glory
should they walk
on the way of the Cross.

The Neon Cross.

The Neon Cross
Blasts the darkened sky
"It's a matter of opinion"
Says the passer-by
"Some people think it's garish
and some just stand and cry
don't ask them to explain it
because they don't know why"

"I've heard that Christ appeared
for a moment yesterday
and this crowd have gathered
and refuse to go away
They are hungry and thirsty
but still stand and pray
the dispossessed
the disenfranchised
the disassociated
increase in number every day

The neon blasts
the pungent sulphur air
Someone brings some water
another bread to share
and as the people eat and drink
in a mutuality of care
I hear "Corpus Christi"
whispered in a prayer.